The middle dantian is the heart center, the home of the soul or astral body.
For this exercise,
Begin by breathing into the middle fingers in the hands, similar to building the ball exercise.
Push all the energy into the fingertips.
Locate the middle dantian at the heart center.
Push into this space with the middle fingertip, take all the energy, and move it into the center of the heart space.
Press the sides of the rib cages with both hands, and imagine a ball of white light qi in the center of the heart space.
Continue building the ball with the middle dantian at the center.
Breathe into the ball at the center of the hands, feel the ball getting thicker and denser, feel the edges of it.
Spin the ball circularly around the front of the middle dantian, and maintain the connection to it.
Switch the ball’s direction, and continue visualizing the white color of the ball.
Spin the ball so that it is rotating vertically from the top. Feel the connection to the ball and the middle dantian.
Turn the direction of the ball rotation.
Bring the ball back to the center of the middle dantian.
Move the ball in the shape an infinity symbol, or figure eight, horizontally in front of the middle dantian.
Fill the infinity symbol with love, approval, and protection.
Every time the motion of the hands is in the center of the infinity symbol, feel the love being sent to the middle dantian.
Repeat in the opposite direction.
Repeat vertically in both directions.
Open the ball up so that is large and allow the awareness to open alongside it.
Feel the connection to the middle dantian, feel the heart center radiate.
Condense the ball in between the hands, and move it into the center of the middle dantian, feel the energy merge.
Take the energy on so it radiates outward.
Using the pointer and middle fingers, see the yin/yang symbol at the tip of it, and push into the middle dantian nine times to seal in the energy.
Sit with the energy, both hands over the middle dantian. Say, “I am in qi. Qi is in me. I am qi. I am in qi. Qi is in me. I am qi.”
Be sure to journal any experiences had during this practice! Please consider joining the course for help with this self-mastery!
For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or aligntoyourhighest.com