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Empowering the Middle Dantian


The middle dantian is the heart center, the home of the soul or astral body. 

For this exercise, 

  • Begin by breathing into the middle fingers in the hands, similar to building the ball exercise. 

  • Push all the energy into the fingertips. 

  • Locate the middle dantian at the heart center.

    • Push into this space with the middle fingertip, take all the energy, and move it into the center of the heart space.

  • Press the sides of the rib cages with both hands, and imagine a ball of white light qi in the center of the heart space.

  • Continue building the ball with the middle dantian at the center. 

  • Breathe into the ball at the center of the hands, feel the ball getting thicker and denser, feel the edges of it. 

  • Spin the ball circularly around the front of the middle dantian, and maintain the connection to it. 

  • Switch the ball’s direction, and continue visualizing the white color of the ball.

  • Spin the ball so that it is rotating vertically from the top. Feel the connection to the ball and the middle dantian. 

    • Turn the direction of the ball rotation.

  • Bring the ball back to the center of the middle dantian.

  • Move the ball in the shape an infinity symbol, or figure eight, horizontally in front of the middle dantian. 

    • Fill the infinity symbol with love, approval, and protection.

    • Every time the motion of the hands is in the center of the infinity symbol, feel the love being sent to the middle dantian.

    • Repeat in the opposite direction.

    • Repeat vertically in both directions.

  •  Open the ball up so that is large and allow the awareness to open alongside it. 

    • Feel the connection to the middle dantian, feel the heart center radiate. 

  • Condense the ball in between the hands, and move it into the center of the middle dantian, feel the energy merge.

    • Take the energy on so it radiates outward.

  • Using the pointer and middle fingers, see the yin/yang symbol at the tip of it, and push into the middle dantian nine times to seal in the energy. 

  • Sit with the energy, both hands over the middle dantian. Say, “I am in qi. Qi is in me. I am qi. I am in qi. Qi is in me. I am qi.”

Be sure to journal any experiences had during this practice! Please consider joining the course for help with this self-mastery!

For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or  

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