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Deepen Vital Breathing Practices


The first step is building a qi gong ball to tap into the vital body. This is a qualitative practice! When first beginning, it is important to sit down when practicing to allow the mind to tune in to the qualities of the energy. Mentally note anything that arises in the awareness, sensations included. Be sure to journal all experiences had to end the practice. Each time this is practiced, be sure to put as much attention and willpower into the process as possible.

Next, practice building the qi gong ball while standing. This is where quantitative attributes are built with vital energy, including building power. This practice also allows for increasing vitality, which can be used to energize certain aspects of the personality. This energy built can be used to alchemize negative energy out of the system. 

Once one feels their vital energy, it is important to always remember what the frequency feels like and to build upon it. If one can keep their vital energy in their awareness for one hundred hours with deep concentration, this energy will become engrained as a part of the consciousness. 

After realizing what vital energy feels like and the practice of building the ball, a ritual, or hand/body motion, can be tied to tapping into vital energy. For example, tapping fingers together. To build this ritual, do the motion, feel the energy, do the motion, feel the energy, and repeat this a dozen times. This is beneficial for being able to tap in and out of the frequency quickly. 

Consider practicing from sun up to sun down or right before bed. This will develop the vital energy as a normal part of one’s consciousness, and allow for the intuition and spirit to bridge information through the vital energy. Keeping the vital energy in awareness allows for a deep connection with the environment, people, and increased sensitivity of energy!

For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or  

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