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Sphere of Protection


One practice to consider when one is in resonance with the higher levels is creating a sphere of protection. Everyone inherently has a protective layer of qi. Everyone’s thickness of protective qi varies. A person who lives in the city may have a thinner level compared to someone who lives in a rural area as city people have their protective qi tightly bound.  Either way, adding a sphere of protection can be beneficial.

To create a sphere of protection:

  • Vital breathe, and tune the entire body into it

  • Gently pull the joints open with the inhales - the fascia is the elasticity stretching 

  • Gently push the joints closed on exhales 

  • Tune the entire body into the magnetic fluid of the vital body, give this energy a perfect spherical shape around the body

  • Vital breathe into the sphere

  • Associate the feeling of the sphere with protection 

  • Hand off the energy to the protective qi to regulate the sphere

  • At the astral level, tune into the astral qualities one desires to add to their protective sphere by astral breathing into the sphere

  • Add Akasha around the edges of the sphere

Adding a layer of Akasha to the edge of the protective sphere acts as a mirror. This results in whatever quality of energy someone sends to be returned to them. One can practice building a protective bubble every day, and tie a ritual to it. Adding visualization during this practice enhances the quality of the protective sphere- it adds a physical density.

Typically as the frequency rises, the less protection there is. This is the reason mental and emotional things affect people very easily.  However, this practice of associating protective energy with one’s qi allows the protective qi to regulate. At the highest levels, tuning into Aksha and creating a sphere will create a sphere of protection for whatever is needed. 

For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or   

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