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Understanding Spiritual Growth


It is important to understand spiritual growth as one has deeper experiences with the elements. The essence of spiritual growth is release, the act of releasing what hinders growth. Buddha explained Nirvana as the release of attachments and aversions. Attachments are magnetic, they pull things and experiences into one’s field. Aversions are electric, they push things and experiences away from one’s field. Humans are electromagnetic beings, all have emotions that push or pull things and experiences toward or away from their field.

It is imperative to purify the qi to refine the spirit. This allows one to become a pure tuning fork for the experiences one wants to pull or push away. Being able to release all resistors is what gives the internal environment to ascend and grow spiritually. This practice works on all levels. Spiritual knowledge is a product of the spirit it is hard to intellectualize. Buddhism is a system of liberation founded on cause and effect. It may be challenging to understand Buddhist principles initially because the information is universal and a product of the spirit. To understand, one has to experience. During these experiences, one is building higher levels of understanding. Spiritual knowledge is universal. One can only receive spiritual knowledge from one's level of perception. All practices are to raise one’s level of perception to release things from getting stuck at a certain level. This allows the mind to raise in frequency and develop a deeper understanding of the knowledge given.

In one’s journal be sure to go back and contemplate past entries. Some notes may have been written at different brain states and frequencies, and contemplating it will allow for deeper understanding. The essence of spiritual growth is the release of attachments and aversions. Attachments and aversions give one their identity, the astral ego, which binds to physical form. It is important to release the attachments and aversions to raise into universal consciousness. Releasing attachments and aversions greatly increases one’s quality of life and perceptions. In deeper states of meditation releasing allows the experience of oneness at a deep level. All the qualities that comprise one’s identity - thoughts, feelings, teachings from childhood, etc. bind to the light of the mind. Learning processes are also created by what one holds on to. One will see clearly as one grows, evolves, and releases why certain experiences were had. There will be a deep sense of clarity. As one devotes their growth to oneself, the more they can use that devotion to help others. Developing a path to service will allow deep growth to occur quickly. Release both positives and negatives of what one has been holding on to, and move from personified to universal view.

For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or   

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