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Understanding Energetic Tuning Forks


Everything one pays attention to is a tuning fork for their experience. This is especially true if one has their emotions grounded into it, the tuning fork vibrates. The more emotions that are streamed into what one’s attention is in, the more the tuning fork vibrates. Tuning forks call in similar things into resonance. For example, if there are two tuning forks next to each other, set to the same frequency and one is hit, the other will start vibrating. The two tuning forks feed off each other. This is what occurs with whatever one pays attention to. Whether what one focuses on is positive or negative, that is what will arise in one’s experiences.

This phenomenon can be seen when one examines their experience with the last car they purchased. Before the car was purchased, one may have only noticed one or two of the cars on the road. However, the moment one was driving the car off the lot and noticed every single car that was the same. One may see the car on every street, highway, parking lot, etc. This is because one is vibrating at the frequency of the car. This is how everything one pays attention to operates.  One has the power to pick and choose the tuning forks one desires to cultivate or release. This is universal: every single part of the emotions, thoughts, feelings, and habits are all tuning forks. The more one feeds into what they’re paying attention to, the more it will become apparent in one’s experience. 

For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or   

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