This is an invitation to practice the new moon ceremony for anyone who missed the community ceremony! The new moon is December 12, 2023. This practice should be completed in one’s magical journal!
The new moon is a great time to provoke change. This is correlated with the magnetic fluid in the moon. During full moons, the magnetic fluid in the moon causes the mental matrix to become thicker and amplifies energies. At the new moon phase, the mental matrix is thinner and it is easier to change oneself and experiences.
To begin, take five minutes to write out three things to release during this new moon cycle. This list can focus on things to release that may be hindering from reaching goals, intentions, or manifestations.
Next, focus on a list of three things one is calling into their experience during this new moon cycle.
The last step is to charge the intentions. One may consider saying a prayer over the intentions along with vital, astral, mental, and akashic breathing to charge up the intentions!
For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or aligntoyourhighest.com