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Mental Transference and Meditating on Sacred Images


One can meditate on sacred images in the same manner one utilizes mental transference exercises. This is done the same way one taps into the energy of a crystal. For example, one may choose a  statue of Akasagarbha, in Buddhism, he’s known as a gatekeeper of Akasha. He’s well known in many pantheons as a  level of creation that regulates some people’s access to Akasha.

Every part of creation is living energy. One can communicate with the bacteria on the skin if wanted, the sun, or any aspect of creation. The things that one resonates with directly reflect one’s spiritual heritage. All that one resonates with will become clear on this path. All that this course shares is universal and not bound by religion, pantheons, etc. However, one may naturally be pulled in via resonance as it is encoded into one’s DNA, it is naturally a part of one’s spirit.

Steps to Meditate on Sacred Images:

  • Select a sacred image or statue

  • Vital Breathe into the sacred image

  • Mentally transfer, feel the connection, and meditate on it

During this practice, a couple of interesting things may happen. Once the connection is established, the stillness that arises is Aksaha, it is the Akashic or ether connection, and it is the Akashic blueprint of the sacred image. Sacred images have a strong astral connection. For example, Buddha or Jesus images. People have sacred images around them because it is tied to that level of consciousness.  

In later practices, once one touches light, one can draw the consciousness light of whatever level working within the statue or image. That level of light will be embedded in the statue or image. 

Simply meditate on the image or statue, then move the awareness to the stillness that arises. By staring at the image, time will start to release. This is where the three transformations arise, from vital to astral, astral to mental, and mental into the Akasha. This occurs by simply staring at it. One may start to feel and experience the type of slowness that arises in the awareness. 

If one continues staring at the image or statue, space will begin releasing. This is the transformation from the vital/gin to the astral/qi. Thus one begins to change their relationship with time and space during the practice of meditating on a sacred image. 

One can choose a variety of sacred images, mandalas, etc. to meditate on to the point where time and space are released. As a result, one will change their relationship with what is meditated on through time and space. There is a part of one’s body that awakens within the resonance with the sacred image.

As one continues this practice, if one can ignore all the different phenomena that may arise, the image will start disappearing and reappearing. One will see it vibrate in and out of the Akasha. When it starts to disappear into emptiness this is when time starts releasing. Between one and the object, space starts to release. This is when one enters the Akasha of the sacred image. 

Pay attention to the point at which it starts to disappear. This is Akasha. One can breathe that in and out of the body. This allows the development of a relationship with Akasha. 

Sacred images have a strong astral charge. Whatever lessons and teachings come from that sacred image, and the consciousness tied to it will start to reflect through one’s experience. This also begins to change one’s experience in everyday life because one’s relationship with time and space begins to change.

A large part of being psychic is being able to see things for what they are.  One begins to see the causation chains through time and space. Most people are so bound to their perceptions, delusions, and assumptions. However, with this practice, one begins to see clearly with an astral probability. Things will become very apparent. 

For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or  

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