Mental transference is the ability to allow the mind to vibrationally match and become something else. Mental transference allows one to become an object, idea, experience, person, animal, and anything one puts their mind on. This occurs by allowing the mind to become that thing and feel the connection to it. This allows one to go through the akasha of the thing, to understand it, influence it, etc.
To train mental transference,
Select a crystal to work with, and for two minutes practice:
Begin vital breathing with the crystal.
Soften the energy into the crystal, this builds the mental-astral matrix with the crystal.Â
Allow the mind to become the crystal - become sensitive to the connection.
Note what sensations arise, and direct all focus here.
After the two minutes are completed, journal experiences for two minutes.
Repeat this three, six, or nine times.
A crystal is a great option to begin mentally transferring into, but one can also practice with something closer to them such as their glasses. If one wears glasses all the time, they are filled with vital energy and a part of the consciousness. It will be easy to connect with them! Apply the steps above. Mental Transference is important to master because it translates into akashic skills in the future. Â
Continue this practice daily, and begin mentally transferring into other objects! Be sure to note any peak experiences in one’s magical journal!Â
For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or  Â