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Level 1: Establishing Precepts Part Two


Precepts create an inner environment for ascension and develop a tuning fork for deep magical experiences. Precepts set the baseline of experiences. One precept to consider is seeing universal truth in any situation. This correlates to the commandment "Thou shalt not lie." This statement isn't about lying, it is more about aligning with the truth. Consider exploring Christian mysticism if this topic is of interest. It is important to be in resonance with the truth as one trains their spirit, develops intuition, and ascends up the energetic bridges to the light of creation. Not being in resonance with the truth as one is on this path may cause a lot of conflict in their experience. Some of the most intuitive people in the world are also the most delusional.

Another precept to consider is giving more value than what is taken. The more value one gives, the more the universe will send blessings back. This is connected to the idea of charity. Many people only view charity as primarily financial, but that is only a small aspect. Giving more value than what is taken, especially with hermetics, is important. 

Sharing information learned is valuable. It will become obvious on this path as the knowledge and wisdom accumulate that money doesn’t equate to the value of what is learned. Sharing this information is very powerful as one is giving more value than what is charged. Consider this in all aspects of life. For example, what is the value of a smile? On this path, one may be able to raise other’s frequencies by simply smiling at them. This simple act may change a person’s entire day. The positive karma from this act will come back around through one’s merit field. The merit field resets at the end of the night when one goes to sleep.  Non-harm to others is another precept to consider. Non-harm is at all levels; mentally, emotionally, and physically. This precept develops an environment for an ethical path. This will align subconsciously by simply developing the precept of non-harm. Non-harm is important to consider because if one harms another, even accidentally or without the intention to harm, one will experience a contraction of the mind, emotions, and physical body. This will keep one bound to the physical and has the opposite effect of the expansion experienced on the spiritual path. The spiritual path expands consciousness, astral awareness, etc. With the energy exercises the focus is on expanding outward. Things that make one contract pull energy inward and stop growth and evolution. 

The sacredness of sex is a precept to evaluate. Intercourse is one of the most sacred acts possible with another human being. When one engages in intimate acts, the etheric bodies mix, and this is how soulmates are created. There is an exchange of karma, bacteria, and many things at many energetic levels. Not treating sex as sacred can invite chaos into one’s life. This is especially true if one is on the path and practicing energy work, the light accumulated is brighter than most and may cause partners to fall in love. It is important to end relationships with a sense of value in what was gained from the relationship. Check out the video library for more information about Tantric practices.  Grounding sacredness in one’s experience should be another precept. All is sacred. The more one can develop and alchemize their energy, the more they will see the effect in all their relationships. Evaluate what the energy is doing for the people around. As one practices, they will become the alpha tuning fork for their experience. Maintain sacredness and understanding because this can both help or hurt people. If one hurts people it will come back around at a much deeper level. It is important to commit to this path to grow and develop. Be mindful of not sticking to lower forms of being and actions while on this path. If one is not committed to aligning their actions to the learnings they will not continue on the path. The more one is focused on developing themselves and their personal growth, the more one will see the value.  Precepts are a subconscious safety net. Consider evaluating one’s relationship with substances, even those considered plant medicine. Many do not see this for what it is, but it can have negative effects. Once one reaches a certain level substances become a hindrance. Substances neutralize the elements, it doesn’t bring them into resonance or equanimity.  This neutral quality experienced is the reason many become addicted.  Substances do not allow one to master their experience. This is because as the substances neutralize one’s elements there is no protection. One’s chi or astral energy is also neutralized. Whatever energy or levels of consciousness one is around when ingesting substances metabolize in the experience, meaning, it infiltrates one’s consciousness and metabolizes via experiences. There is no control over this process as the chemicals from the substance are in one’s body and changing physical chemistry. During this time, one is at the will and mercy of whatever environment or people they are around, and will take on the energy of their environment because there is no protection.  What one consumes should also be a precept. At all levels evaluate what is consumed; mentally, astrally, and physically. Whatever comes into one’s being is energy that one metabolizes. The energy, consciousness, and information are taken on with everything that is consumed. Consider charging food before consumption with vital energy, or mentally transferring into the food, breathing into it, putting a prayer into it, mentally purifying it, or reprogramming it. There is a lot of creativity one can explore with this precept and what one charges food with.

Continue adding and re-evaluating precepts as one reaches higher levels of truth! For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or   

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