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Level 1: Energizing the Magical Journal


The magical journal is the dialogue between the subconscious. It is the dialogue between the spirit. Anything written in the magical journal is noted as important to the spirit and will allow for alignment with similar experiences. The entirety of the subconscious isn’t visible, it works in the background. This is why writing peak experiences in the magical journal is important. Notate what has been mastered, energetic exercises, visualizations, or meditations. For example, if one is practicing with astral energy and begins seeing a red fire element, in the magical journal write, “I have mastered seeing the fire element. I have mastered the fire element.” The subconscious will reflect what was written. The magical journal allows intent to be expressed. The subconscious takes on the mastery and allows whatever was journaled to become a part of the persona. High-quality, detailed journaling allows for deeper realizations, insight, and liberation. Continue adding to the black-and-white mirror of the soul throughout this practice. As one begins working with the elements and bringing them into equanimity, all fears associated with the elements will back off.  Any imbalance of the elements and how they are expressed through each person will also reach a state of equanimity. Everything being expressed, everything being experienced, and even emotions are living conscious energy. This is everything; every habit, every thought, and every experience is an expression of a level of consciousness. There are parts of everyone that want to survive and have been fed a lot of energy. This may at times manifest as a resistor, the energy conscious wants to survive. For example, a person who smokes cigarettes understands the danger and consequences linked, but because they have developed a habitual pattern they continue to feed the habit.  As one continues the practice of balancing elements many of these issues will naturally solve themselves. When adding on to the black portion of the black-and-white mirror, the subconscious will give pathways to understand and correct the things listed. Synchronicities will arise to assist in overcoming anything listed in the black mirror. Whatever one focuses on is what will arise in their experience.  For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or   

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