It is important to view success intuitively, and not purely intellectually. For example, when one practices it is important to approach the experience in an excited, fun manner. The goal is childlike enthusiasm. This generates more energy. View the path as fun to grow, train, and evolve oneself!
Whatever state of mind one is in when they practice is the relationship one is building with what is practiced. If one doesn’t feel like practicing, don’t practice. Energy in this state is best to be conserved. However, when one does feel the urge to practice, act on it, and have fun!
As one grows and sees things for what they are- everything begins to come easily and become fun. This is especially true as one sees their results on the path!
For those beginning their training, the first things to implement are:
The Black and White Mirror
Attention to different frequencies - especially universal laws
Immediate changes may be recognized, be sure to journal results and experiences! For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or