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The Importance of Prayer


A lot of people may have a religious trauma surrounding prayer, and shun utilizing it. Many abandon prayer when they enter their spiritual path. However, prayer is one of the most powerful practices. Almost every system utilizes the vehicle of prayer to touch higher frequencies of light. This can also be seen in dualistic systems, they go into prayer and touch high frequencies of light. 

The sacredness of prayer raises one up to the highest level of attunement. This can be used to one’s advantage.  As one is going through their practice, note how the things being prayed for manifest. 

There is a vibrational scale of prayer. The moment one’s hands are placed in a prayer mudra over the heart center, there is an instant feeling of humility experienced. Humility is the base frequency of prayer. 

In Hermetics, it is said one doesn’t pray to anything outside of themselves. Every tuning fork in the universe is a part of everyone. The very essence of one’s spirit is a vibrational match to God. Even if one is working with a deity, god, goddess, etc. it is a part of their spirit. One is not giving their power away because it is them. 

Practice to raise up the vibrational scale of prayer :

  • Close eyes

  • Place hands in prayer mudra at the heart center

  • Enter into the deepest sense of reverence for what one is praying for or to

  • Enter the deepest sense of sacredness for the act one is practicing 

  • Enter into stillness 

  • Enter into the deepest sense of devotion for one’s spiritual growth and evolution

  • Raise up to one’s highest level of attunement

  • State one’s prayer at this level

As one raises to the highest frequency of attunement achieved, this synchronizes all the light bodies from the highest point, all the way down to the physical body for the outcome to manifest. Be sure to discern how the prayer manifests. If one has a certain set expectation on the manner a prayer manifests, the prayer may be missed entirely. 

Be aware the highest parts of oneself know what is best. It is important to know which parts of oneself one is tuning in to, as there is a vibrational scale in oneself.  The lowest end of this scale is the physical body, which relates to the now and instant gratification. Above the physical body is the astral body, this is where astral emotions and belief structures are. Above the astral body is the mental body. The mental body rules intellect. The goal is to rise to the level of spirit, where intuition is the guiding principle that dominates the way one thinks, acts, and feels. The quickest way to attain this level is through prayer. Prayer is a doorway into equanimity. One can utilize the sacredness of prayer to guide.

It is important to balance the intellect and intuition. The intuition allows one to have fun, and the intellect keeps the boundary of safety. If one only uses intuition without intellect, the spirit will be grounded outside of time and space. The things one will be guided to do in pure intuition will be what is best overall for the spirit through all the incarnations. One may not be prepared for that level, so it is important to allow the intellect to work in tandem with the intuition.

The equanimity and stillness that arise from prayer is equivalent to the equanimity and stillness that arises from ten years of meditation. In Hermetics, equanimity is referred to as Magical Equilibrium. This is where one doesn’t pray to anything outside of themselves. One isn’t giving their power away, as the level one is working with reflects through their light bodies. One’s spiritual heritage is tied to different levels of consciousness, and this will arise in experiences. 

At the beginning of one’s journey, one may consider praying for:

  • Insight 

  • For all negative karma to be realized within the light

  • For negative subconscious shadows to arise to the surface to be dealt with with ease and grace in inharmonious ways

As one begins deepening the practice of prayer, going to places of power or sacred places such as a temple or church. In these spaces, mentally transfer into the sacredness of the space where thousands of people prayed and left the most sacred parts of themselves. This trains the mental body to a higher level. Be sure wherever one chooses to train this is aligned with one’s morals and beliefs. 

For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or   

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