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Level 1: The Metaphysics of Journaling


This is a guide for developing one's magic journal! Inputting information in one's journal is always emphasized. The suggestion is to journal for thirty minutes a day! Take all the time needed when journaling experiences! There are many different ways to journal: on the very basic level, journaling is the literal dialogue with the subconscious mind. The very act of writing tells the subconscious mind this is important, and triggers the subconscious mind to give more of that information, insight, and direction on the topics journaled. Belief structures are developed through the journal. Anything journaled will develop a synchronization for more of that experience to arise. Remember, everything experienced is a mirror of consciousness. Everything seen, and everything interacted with is a literal mirror into the consciousness and develops into beliefs. It is important to see the value of journaling because that is when clarity begins to form. There will be an insight into actions, self-identification, and sight for what all is at a universal level. Alignment with what is journaled begins to occur, and one will notice more of what is journaled is experienced at a deeper level. This is especially true for the things that one loves, the things that are shown gratitude will inevitably align more of those things and experiences!

The journal allows for generating methods and directions. Be sure to contemplate where presently at, and where there is a desire to grow within the journal. This is important because once again, it tells the subconscious mind where to go. Vital breathe with the magical journal to charge it! Write intentions out and then charge them up. Charging with vital energy reflects into the subconscious. Write any peak experiences that have occurred! Identify them with detail and take ownership of the experience. This act will trigger the subconscious to align with more of that experience!

For example, if someone is working on visualization exercises or clairvoyance, and develops the skill to visualize with their eyes open. Once this person can see the fire element, in their magical journal they may write, “I am a master of the fire element. I can see red clearly. I can see the fire element clearly.” The subconscious will identify with that experience. It is that simple to master skills! Even identifying, “I can use a skill as I command” starts to reflect in the subconscious. It is very important how one chooses to write and energize the journal. This is what helps to align the three bodies. There will be a separate video on the three bodies/dantians with more detail. There is an upper dantian/mental body. There is the middle dantian/astral body. There is the lower dantian/center of gravity for the physical body. These are all different realms/bodies everyone has access to, and being able to align them, basically means that the way one thinks, acts, and feels all resonate for a particular outcome to happen! Journaling is one way to align the three bodies for that particular outcome! This allows the synchronicities to come up and the consciousness to take ownership of the things being practiced!

Journaling allows the development of different alchemical formulas! Journal what has been eaten all day, any information taken in throughout the day, and the experiences that come from it! Alchemical formulas will become evident. One will be able to track if A + B begets C, and allow for repetition or change! Then one will be able to see what has happened and repeat the process to evaluate how the result was obtained! Journal thirty minutes a day, even if it is just what was experienced or what there is to look forward to tomorrow.

While developing these practices the amount of synchronicity that arises in one's experience will amplify! Many may already see angel numbers and things of that nature, but it will begin to develop into being at the right place, at the right time, in the right environment. All will start to synchronize. For example, say there’s a blue rug one is interested in and wants. They may soon find themselves in a store, and find that exact blue rug on sale! These things begin to arise from the subconscious! Being able to see the synchronicities arising creates a deeper understanding of why it is so important to journal all experiences.

If one pays attention to where they don’t want to go that’s exactly where they will go. Whatever one pays attention to creates a tuning fork for that experience to directly align with them. The journal is a really good way to keep track of and understand the things that one brings into their experience. Journaling allows clarity and the ability to master the mind and emotions! In the magic journal, it is important to establish short-term goals, mid-term goals, and long-term goals! This creates a physical, astral, and mental timeline of different experiences that may occur! This is powerful and beneficial. Be sure to also journal steps to achieve a goal and when a goal has been achieved! Create a checklist of skills to develop and keep track! RJ will continue sharing information, practices, and meditations throughout the course. In the level two course the focus is on clairvoyance, clairaudience, and different types of mental travel. One will be able to look at the skills desired, and align to the corresponding experiences, practices, and information needed to take advantage of each skill subconsciously! For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or

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