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Level 1: The Black-and-White Mirror of the Soul


The black-and-white mirror of the soul is one of the most important aspects to evaluate while aligning to your highest. As one develops more light in their spirit and rises into higher levels of consciousness, the light amplifies what is, meaning, both the positives and negatives are amplified.  The black-and-white mirror acts as a safety net for maintaining emotional balance. The implications of not developing a black-and-white mirror could lead to developing a supernatural personality in which negatives rule over life and could stop overall development. 

To practice the black-and-white mirror:

1. Take a piece of paper, preferably in the magic journal, and draw a vertical line down the center of the paper.

2. On the right side, write down all positive attributes attained. This is the white mirror of the soul. Examples: I am analytical, I am smart, I am compassionate, etc.

If one never truly addresses and identifies the positive attributes attained it is impossible to take full advantage of the skills. The act of journaling positive attributes allows the subconscious to identify ways to amplify the attributes listed. 

As one continues to grow and evolve, they develop the ability to put their mind on any frequency they would like to experience and add it to their white mirror. This will aid in their process of development. 

3.  On the left side, write down all negative attributes experienced. This is the black mirror of the soul. 

Evaluate the subconscious shadows. This may be hard for most people to identify at the beginning, but a great way to start is to ask the people closest to you. One may ask their parents what is something one doesn’t see or acknowledge within. Whatever feedback is gained, take it with reverence and write in the black mirror. Repeat with close friends, they may know better than oneself, or see what one is oblivious to

This may be something people view in a negative light, but there is no need to feel guilt or shame in identifying these attributes. This practice is to see oneself for who they truly are.  Everyone typically views themself in a good light and justifies the way they think, act, and feel. It is important to view oneself wholely during this practice. The act of identifying or labeling positive and negative attributes allows the subconscious to create pathways of understanding along with ways to correct attributes. It is important to do this black-and-white mirror evaluation in the magical journal as it is the dialogue with the subconscious mind. 

4. The practice of the black-and white mirror isn't complete in one session.

As one begins working with the water element, one will find that the water element regulates social networks, and the need for love and approval. Most subconscious shadows are developed from learned behavior due to trauma and are linked with the water element. As one begins working with the water element many attributes that should be listed on the black mirror will arise. 

As one is on the path to grow, evolve, and release the resistors, naturally things will arise to the surface to be dealt with. This may occur during conversations or arguments with others if they say something that is triggering, and elicits feelings in which there is a need to defend, this very feeling points to a shadow. Evaluate and lean into that feeling, trace it back as far as possible to the first experience ever with that feeling. Identify the root cause of the feeling, and see how it has affected your life experience since. 

The more one evaluates their black-and-white mirror, the more the subconscious shadows are welcomed to the surface to be dealt with. Subconsciously one will be aligned with correcting the shadows on the black mirror, this will also clear negative karma. As a result, one may feel lighter- life will be more vibrant and enjoyable as the dense, dark energies are released. 

Evaluate the black-and-white mirror once a month. There will always be both light and shadow aspects to evaluate. Even when one reaches the status of a fully enlightened being, one must evaluate the pride of being at that level. It is important to be able to evaluate what may be the resistance to moving forward on the path- this is the purpose of the black-and-white mirror. Evaluating the black-and-white mirror creates the inner environment needed for ascension.  It is important to look at both positives and negatives to reach higher levels. 

As shadows come to the surface it is normal to emotionally process the feelings attached to the experiences. Allow grace during the self-realizations! This is a deep profound experience! Look at the black-and-white mirror with a deep sense of sacredness and reverence and that is the way it will be revealed. It will take time to evaluate all attributes, be sure to re-evaluate the black-and-white mirror often. Also, note and cross off which black attributes have been dealt with! Continue to observe the entire experience and note when something needs to be addressed.  For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or   

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