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How Sadharta always had 100% battery...


When I started I struggled, picking up on the vital stuff,

I have a completely different understanding now though...

I have a lot more energy as a by product, and for a long time prior I had made the recognition

"Energy is a habit"

One of the key elements is learning the difference between Electric and Magnetic.

You do that with the body mechanics RJ teaches...

I had a really good connection to mind, to compensate

It was because I smoked...A LOT.

Not the connection, the lack of it, to my Vital field...

That's why I struggled to really understand Vital Energy

So this week I'm gonna share with you 2 meditations that will help you better understand the Fire element and the Electrical aspect of the Water element.

These are both visualisations that will give you a much firmer grasp of where your weak points are...

But Before that I’ll speak a little on My own experiences with Vital Energy.

If you have any questions about the Sedona Trip, DM RJ directly.

See you Tomorrow


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