All the realms are happening all around you, there is no real separation. This gives a context to how you can meet someone experiencing a perceived hell realm, comparable to the Hel of the Vikings, or The Realm of Hungry Ghosts to the Buddhists.
On the Hermetic path, you might not know what realm you are in until you develop a gnosis within. As you progress on your path you will develop your ways and connections within the bodies and realms.
Some questions to ponder, please share the answers below or in the Discord if you feel called:
What is your relationship to Vital and Astral energy? What would it look like to deepen that connection?
Can you feel what realms the people around you are in?
Which Realms do you plan to visit next?
Have you visited the Water Realm? If so, what was the highlight of your experience? Did you meet any beings?
In the beginning of Aligning to the Highest, Level 1: Mastering the Elements, the focus is developing an intrinsic sensitivity to vital energy and mastering the elements. You learned how to create the vital ball and turn it into astral energy.
Level 2: Psychic Development begins with implementing more of the Hermetic axioms. Such as, “As Above so Below.” That which is like the top can be used to understand the bottom. You may see this play out all through your studies if you Pay Atten-Shun (Payment being an offering of something in exchange, Atten being the mind and Shun being Light, So “what you exchange your minds light with”)
The courses build upon themselves. In Level 1 we learned the vital Ball, In Level 2 you will expand it spherically around you. This energy will build upon Level 1 as the sphere of protection and take it to the next level of astral energy. This allows you to utilize the sphere to go up and down the vibration scale and fill spaces with the energy cultivated. This journey is not only exciting but invigorating for your spirit.
Please consider joining Level 2 (Psychic Development) if you feel called. This is only the tip of the iceberg! It gets super deep! For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or aligntoyourhighest.com
Beautiful post Jade, thank you. I personally and deeply enjoyed (pay attention). ❤️