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Side Effects of Practicing


After implementing practices to align to one’s highest, side effects will occur. These side effects may look like; deeper awareness, peaks in intuition, awakening of spirit senses, and noticing the law of resonance in situations.   The law of resonance may first be noticed in the people one chooses to surround oneself with. One will see and understand people at the truth of their being, and not based on emotional investment. There will be clarity in those who resonate on one’s path. There will be resonance in the words they speak. The connection will be obvious, and feel like one may have known them forever. On the other end, there may be people one has known for a long time, and one may begin developing an aversion to them as a result of the way they think, act, and feel. Once one begins to see beyond their emotional investment deep clarity and insight surrounding others will arise.  A large part of being psychic is being aware of the things that arise in the mental body, urges, attachments, aversions, and each one of the sense gates. As the intuition begins to peak, the path to trust oneself will arise. There will be a shift from a personified view to a universal view. A personified view operates out of feelings and attachments, and a lense of how one desires things to be. This may be clouded by limited beliefs, emotional investments, and biases. The universal view allows for the perception of how things truly are. The more engaged one is on this path, the more hyper-intuitive one may become. Pay attention to what arises in the awareness. High-quality journaling is always important. As one notices aversions be sure to note the experiences. For example, “I was speaking to someone and I felt space between myself and this person.” It will become apparent and as one will become sensitive to the surrounding energy. As one begins to understand their psychology and how one functions mentally, astrally, and physically, one will also begin to see other people’s functioning. It will be clear why and how people do the things they do. Naturally, one will learn to not judge people. It will develop into deep levels of understanding and compassion.  Resonance is important, the things one pays attention to have karma. Along this path, one will start coming into resonance at the right place and time, with people who think similarly. As one develops oneself the things one pays attention to will create subconscious alignment to rise to the highest level of what one is focusing on. Be sure the things one pays attention to are the places one wishes to cultivate more of and pay attention to what level one is vibrating at. For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or   

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Resonating with this view and ways of recognizing the awareness within me. The shifts are obvious and you have done a spectacular description of how I am evolving. Thank you for the reminder of how far we have come from that perspective of universal consciousness versus my individual experience: recognizing the spot where we view events,people and this world to -then shift to what is preferred.

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