The next step after developing precepts is establishing vows. This will aid in whatever one’s path to service might be. There is no limit to the amount of vows one may establish. Similarly to precepts, if one develops their vows with a non-self-ideal they will experience deeper levels of insight and power.
In Buddhism, there is a Bodhisattva vow. A Bodhisattva is an enlightened being who hasn’t entirely liberated themself but went into Nirvana and Paranirvana. Instead of staying, they chose to help all of humanity to liberate themselves. This vow allows the Bodhisattvas to have a mind substance that connects to all beings to provide aid. All information, knowledge, and wisdom are at their will to utilize in helping to liberate others.
One doesn’t have to have this vow of putting off their liberation completely until all beings are liberated. Vows are personal and can be designed in whichever manner one chooses. A vow to consider is dedicating the merit of one’s spiritual growth and evolution to the benefit of all sentient beings. This means all the knowledge and skill learned on the journey of growth and evolution isn’t just for personal gain but for all sentient beings in all of creation. There are infinite sentient beings - all are living conscious energy. This vow establishes that as one develops oneself it benefits all of creation. Every time someone reaches Nirvana, that door gets wider for everyone else. This is similar to when someone breaks a world record and others set that as their new goal to beat and attain it shortly after.
It is important to journal processes achieved to guide others. In one’s path, one will find epiphanies, moments of insight, and universal knowledge flowing through from the establishment of vows. One should keep a couple of journals: a magical journal for personal use and a universal journal for universal knowledge to share with others. The more one teaches and shares information learned with others, the more access one will have to higher levels of wisdom. It will flow through to give to others. This is infinite universal knowledge that is meant to be shared. One will continue having access as they evolve for their benefit and the benefit of others.
The psychology utilized with vows can be applied in many facets. For example, if one plays a musical instrument they can dedicate the beauty and inspiration of the music to the listeners. This may be established as a vow. The spirit and subconscious mind will align with the latest trends and beauty within music. This allows listeners of the music to be inspired and see the beauty. Along with the precepts, write vows in the magical journal and charge them! This will allow subconscious alignment. One’s spirit will be the guide for aligning to the vows. When writing vows, do not structure them in a way that has too much self-identity. This will lead to the energy being too sticky, and sticking to oneself. Instead, consider structuring vows around the benefit and well-being of others. If one truly does things for the benefit of others their mind’s substance, the subconscious, connects to the subconscious of all the people they will reach, inspire, and help in the future. Depending on the vows one sets, all the knowledge, beauty, and inspiration will be available when it is time to share with others. The information will arise in the consciousness quickly to share. Be sure to journal outcomes. Note when established vows have been mastered, and can be seen clearly. To get the most out of the systems and practices, one must see the value in them. Treat all experiences with a sense of sacredness and reverence. The highest part of oneself will ground in the energy and allow it to manifest in the physical experience. Enjoy the fun that arises!
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