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Level 1: Establishing Precepts Part One


Establishing precepts should be practiced inside the magical journal. Precepts are moral codes of living or mission statements. There is no limit on the number of precepts to have in place. It is common to see monks with around a hundred and fifty precepts in place. For guidance on establishing precepts feel free to do research such as Buddhist precepts. The precepts are the baseline of the story of the life being experienced. They act as a safety net and allow one to not drop below a certain level. As one touches higher frequencies of light, all is amplified. It is necessary to have a safety net as one reaches higher levels. 

Precepts are a very powerful practice. Develop them with a non-self ideal. For example, this list may be one’s moral code of living but it is for the benefit of others.  As one develops oneself it is important to note how one is also navigating their path of service to aid the collective. This isn’t a necessary part of the path, but if one chooses the path of service they will get a lot more a lot quicker. 

One precept to consider is seeing the universal truth in all information received. This releases viewing information based on self-biases or attachments. If one chooses to be on the path to service this is also something to consider adding to this statement. This will create the sight for universal truth in any situation. 

Develop precepts in a way that they do the work, and do not work against oneself. Have as many precepts as one feels necessary. The precepts will become the story that is evident in one’s experience. Thus, establishing high-quality precepts is necessary. It is advised to have all precepts listed at the beginning of the magical journal. Once written out, charge them up with vital energy. This will amplify the energy. It isn’t necessary to read out all precepts every day. One may consider adding their precepts to a vision board and placing them in a spot that is visible every day. Every time one’s awareness lands on the precepts; acknowledge them, show reverence toward them, and go into a state of prayer. Note when experiences align with precepts established in the magical journal. 

Some experiences are connected to a type of critical mass. It may take a while for certain things to build up to a certain density until it is visible. Some things will be immediate. Journal when experiences arise and how long they took to materialize! 

When writing in the magic journal acknowledge the experience and reflect on the benefits it has. Be sure to write in a way that shows the skill has been mastered. From here, one can also ask for more of that experience in their journal or ask for that experience to be the baseline, and they will subconsciously align! For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or  

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