Everyone has an inner genius, it is the accumulation of all the light one has cultivated throughout every incarnation. The inner genius in everyone comes naturally. It is not necessarily one thing, but several things. Others may notice it with awe and amazement before one notices it themselves.
Most people negate their inner genius because they take it as innate to their very being. One of the biggest lessons to learn in this life is one’s magic is the most natural thing about themselves. To be fully authentic and know oneself is magic. One can find their place in this plane by expressing themselves to the highest degree.
To identify the inner genius, one must know oneself and explore the natural attributes! If one continues to express this genius they will continue to have a joyful life. Understanding one’s innate gifts and purpose will continue to come to the forefront as one continues the practice of self-mastery and aligning to one's highest.
Please consider joining the course for help with this self-mastery!
For any questions, comments, or concerns, message Sifu RJ directly on the Spaces app or aligntoyourhighest.com